This weekend was an all around good time.My husband had to take the car to get serviced on Saturday morning so he wasn't able to run me to the post office as usual to ship out my orders for the week.BUT I got to do something even better!I got to walk by myself there while he watched the kids!Me sans kids is a rare treat so even an hour walk downtown I relish in.Yes,even mommies need "me time",any way you can get it.Since I didn't have any little hands to hold I got to take photos of my beloved downtown.
I even popped in a few thrifts and the antique mall.Most everything in my town is old and has never been updated (thank the gods!).Rummaging can be a dirty job which means hands do get dirty.Luckily one of the thrifts was kind enough to let me wash up in their restroom and I got a kick out of the old sinks,tile work,and this sanitary container.
My town is also filled with beautiful old churches.I didn't get many shots of the glass windows but that is a project for a different post.
When I got back the car was ready to be picked up so when my hubby got back we loaded up the kids and Sam and headed to Lake Superior.I felt bad having to leave Ollie and Lug behind but water isn't really their thing.Ollie likes attacking the lawn hose and that is his extent of water play.Sam was DEFINITELY in his element though.
My Monday started off pretty well.I've given up coffee.Its been 3 days now and I'm just now starting to get the headache from no caffeine to lighten up a little.So despite it being Monday and no coffee I can't really complain.
I still have most of my home projects in limbo so they're not ready to "show off" but here you get a little sneak peek at my stair way,isn't the green fun?!