And how cute are her shoes?The answer is very.

One thing Heidi has always lamented was that this doll needed more clothes because when she put her in her modern Barbie clothes it didn't look right.When my mother in law came to visit we went to a few thrift stores and as luck would have it she found a few bags of vintage Barbie clothes!It took me a few weeks to get around to washing them.Some I wasn't able to salvage due to being so stained or torn but most of the bag was pure gold.These were a few of my favorites.
Happy to report when winter hits Barbie will be ready this year!

Here is one I wish was in my size

These too,gingham is just so perfect for summer.

There were a few capri pants in the bag,the others were crazy floral prints that we haven't found tops that match yet.

Barbie is also set for autumn

This one,like a few others in the bag,I believe those sew it yourself pieces.

When I put this one on I had one of those "Barbie dresses sexier than I do for bed" realizations.

Even though I felt like a creep for this shot I had to get a better detail shot cause her panties are adorable.

This was has a little fraying on one arm but not the end of the world.

Hopefully this will keep the kiddo content with outfits for this one for awhile.