Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Walks,Wishes and Wigs....

Kind of a random blog title I know,but this entry is kind of all over the place so seemed fitting.First I guess I'll show off my bang progress.I cut them into a little too short of a U bang last time I cut them so now that I've decided to grow them out its making it seem even longer...buuuuut they ALMOST touch my eyebrows!


Remember that little hole in the wall thrift store I got a lot of goodies from that I mentioned in my last post?Well,I scraped up enough to go back for one of the items I had to leave behind which is this fab red velvet 1960s Lane Bryant coat that I listed in my etsy shop the other day.If you're a 44 bust go snatch it up and give it a good home!I love it!


We've been walking down to the beach almost everyday which has been a good walk for the hubs and myself,plus the kids enjoy it of course.




There is an old wig shop downtown that we pass by often.I commented a few weeks ago to my hubby that I wanted this one and to wear a ballroom gown all the time declaring myself queen of Scotland (I'm not even a little bit Scottish so to myself this is hilarious.....yes,I have an odd sense of humor its fine).I just know that if I went grocery shopping one day and spotted a lady wearing this outside of Halloween it would make my day.

Going through one of my of my old magazines this morning I noticed these and wished for them so badly.They retailed for $24.95 back in 1951 so today with inflation that would be roughly $203.84!So ladies when you come across vintage seamed stockings stop complaining when you can snatch them up for $20.00 or less,really its a steal!They are pricey I know but they've always been.Why do you think some of our grandmas in a pinch use to draw lines on the back of their legs when they couldn't afford to replace the last pair they snagged?


Another thing I wished for besides the general men dressing better is that bow ties came back.When I saw this old radio ad I thought it awful cute and then wondered "have I EVER gotten to straighten a mans bow tie for him?"The answer is sadly no.I'd like to though.Men,take note.



  1. my boyfriend wears bow ties, and it makes me extremely happy. I agree totally :)

  2. have you ever looked at girdlebound? the have a lot of great vintage repro hosery, including seamed stockings. they are $25 a pair, but so awesome. check these out


  3. My husband used to wear bowties occasionally in fact I'm just getting rid of some of his old ones now on ebay, he even used to occasionally wear one of those floppy bow tie/cravat things that Frank Sinatra wore, he looked cute, so yes I've straightened a man's bow tie!

    And I'm very jealous you can walk to the beach, my ideal life would have me living near the ocean, not worried about a beach but the ocean, wow!
