Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Wishes For Those Beyond the Grave...

"In art, religion, and politics the respect must be mutual, no matter how violent the disagreement." -Vincent Price

For as long as I can remember I have loved Vincent Price.His voice is mesmerizing and his sense of humor to die for.So though he may not be of this world anymore I thought I'd give a quick note say Happy Birthday Mr.Price because you'll always live on in my heart.





  1. Awesome! I haven't seen that picture of him and Kermit before

  2. ahhh yes indeed. Happy birthday to the late Mr.Price. I've always wanted a portrait sleeve done of him, Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi but still have a free and spacious arm waiting for saving and finding the right tattooist. Love your blog by the way lady. Keep up the good work x

  3. Hi how are you?

    I noticed that you like tattoos, and I have a label in which I had some of my bloggers send me their tattoo pictures, so very funny...

    Anyway, I like your blog, and want to invite you to visit mine, and if you will follow me I would love to follow yours....


  4. You are so right there was just something about his voice that was just so almost dreamey, in a weird kind of way.

  5. he's great! happy belated birthday mr price!
