I'm back in the Midwest and it feels good!After being in southern California for a year and 1/2 I almost forgot about 4 seasons.I'm in the great white north with lots of snow,I thought I'd do a snow inspired giveaway.Thus all my goodies for this giveaway are white!For one lucky reader you get a Robinson's pillbox hat,a hankie,2 pairs of earrings and a darling Avon poodle decanter.All of it vintage naturally as this IS a vintage themed blog..mostly.sometimes I ramble on about other things.Its what I do best(SEE,I'm doing it RIGHT NOW!).

Here are the rules:Obviously be a follower of my blog.I want to to go over to my Etsy shop and tell me what your favorite item is.I'm using you,my fellow vintage lovers, as market research as to what I should keep my eyes out for when vintage hunting.Leave your favorite item in a comment and you got yourself one entry for the drawing.If you like me on facebook that will count as a second entry.If you've already liked me let me know and I'll make a note of it to put you into the bowl twice.I'll do a drawing and announce the winner on Friday.This is open for all my readers so international readers please don't feel left out.
The internet is a big freaking place and I appreciate the friends I've made through it,sharing a little slice of my world with you all and getting to see some of yours.Good luck to everyone and once again thanks for reading!