Friday, October 5, 2012

Weight Loss and HTML Ineptness ...

Long time no blog.I say that often but this time it wasn't because I just didn't feel like it but because I screwed up my blog pretty bad because I don't understand HTML even a little bit.I was trying to find a template that would allow for wider photos and yeah...I ended up going on a fantastic journey of trial and error.I'm not even sure if this will work as intended so this will be short and sweet.If you follow me on instagram then you've already seen this but like I said due to messing up my blog I haven't been taking a lot of blog intended photos.

Happy to report that even though I'm not quite where I want to be I'm really close this time!I can wear my fancy painted peacock blouse without the buttons pulling and wear a modern size 4 pants!

50F04200-A976-4E1D-8418-1969BCDD5644-6681-00000AC20C50AAEC, Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Here is a close up shot of the blouse.I picked it up at an antique mall when I still lived in Indiana for $3!So happy to be able to wear it again.
BFD31309-ED21-45CE-9A43-45574F8C577F-6681-00000AC7CE050773, Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App


  1. If you switch to a new blogger template you can adjust the width of your center column so you do wider photos. I use wider photos all the time. Also you can respond to individual comments too which is nice.

    1. Yep,that is what I had to do.My old template wouldn't allow width change and it wasn't till I switched over that I tried to fool around with some that would.I like the being able to respond to individual comments now!That is a great feature.Still don't like the new dashboard though but its just cause I'm not use to it.

  2. that blouse! and that owl lamp!!! you look awesome. you've always looked awesome!!!

    1. Thank you!That owl lamp was from a yard sale about 2 blocks from me.Its so heavy and was kind of a pain to walk home with it but so worth it!

  3. You look beautiful! Jeans and a cute embroidered vintage blouse is pretty much my staple outfit.

    1. Thank you!And agreed!Its a great casual look with being to still feel stylish and not like a slob.My socks and thick tights part of my wardrobe is SEVERELY lacking so it kind of puts a damper on wearing dresses and skirts when its cold.I need to remedy that.

  4. That is one beautiful blouse. You look amazing!

  5. Very pretty, it's so funny you did the reverse move of me, I moved from Michigan to Indiana!

    1. That is funny!How are you liking Indy?The winters are definitely more mild there than up here.

  6. You look wonderful, gorgeous! Glad you are happily on your way! :) Zoë x

  7. That blouse is really amazing! And congrats on almost being where you want to be! It's so rewarding when you work hard and it pays off. I'm at the beginning of trying to loose some weight and I'm looking forward to the journey. You look fantastic!

