Now I feel bad saying "Before" even as the true before is cheap paneling(Yes,my poor sweet little 1937 home was the victim of a 70's remodel!).But my husband had that ripped down before I showed up with the kids.And for almost 6 months it stayed like this.

Torn up water stained wallpaper ,not a great look.

Now growing up I lived in a house that was constantly under construction and I hated it.It was depressing because it was ugly and embarrassing to have friends over.Luckily my remodeling though slower than I want isn't going to take my kids whole childhood.The reality is these things cost money(which I don't have)and curses to you HGTV for making me think magic could happen in 30 minutes with a team of hot carpenters!Where are my hot carpenters?!But I'm not doing too bad for it only being me and the help of my husband here and there.The big projects are the kitchen and bathroom but we'll have to hire professionals for those areas.
So here is the "work in progress" after.And before anyone yells at me compared to the first picture the door looks like dark wood that I painted white,no that's not the case.I love real wood and I wouldn't have painted over it but...but....the person that lived here before had painted it a glossy dark brown!Oh my god why??It was bad.I'll have more glossy brown horror stories to share with you as I am able to show off more progress with the house.Oh and I'm sorry for the dark photos,I chose to do this post on a gray winter day.Hopefully when the time has come for the 100% after photos I'll have a nice sunny day to take photos.

The walls were in no shape to paint over and the funds weren't there to put up all new drywall so we went with paintable wallpaper.I chose this textured swirl pattern and then painted it Bermuda Blue.Now,if you don't have a good marriage don't even both trying to put up wallpaper together,I'm not even kidding.Hire a professional.If you and your spouse love each-other as much as my husband do you MAY get out alive with only minor tears,obscenities,and objects thrown involved.

And now for some more detail shots....Oh hey there is my sweet hi-fi!Yes,records at dinner time is the thing to do at my house.

My aqua and gray dinette has been retired down to the basement for now so that my Heywood Wakefield stuff could be brought into the dining room.I'm hoping with the kitchen remodel I MIGHT be able to put it in there if there is room.Sorry little Formica table,I just really,really love my Heywood.

As I've made mentioned before I lost most of my Vernonware Heavenly Days china when we moved.I decided to stop being so "matchy matchy" and go with "if you like it just buy it!" so in the little over a year that I've lived here I've nickle and dimed my china hutch full of lovely aqua colored vintage china!

This is the was the before light fixture in the dining room.Nice leaf pattern and I am hanging onto it for now for another room to maybe use in.

But then I saw this guy for $1.00 at the thrift and had to pick him up.

So there you have it folks.Now exactly where I want it just yet but a heck of a lot better than before!