After almost a year and a half of living here my bedroom is finally properly furnished.It has been years,yes,YEARS since I've had bedroom set.Finding a vintage bedroom set in your price range can be tricky sometimes,especially if your price range is more on the "can I get that for free?" side.My husband pleaded a few times to just get over my need for vintage dressers and let him get something at Wal-mart till I found something but first off gross (no offense if that's your thing but its definitely not mine) and secondly I know my husband well enough to know that if I said yes he'd say "we already have dressers" when the time came that I found them.Sometimes its better to just do without till you get it just right.
Originally I had my heart set on an art deco waterfall bedroom set but nothing was in my price range and the pieces that were on Craigslist ended up being 3 hours away making it not quite a deal once you factor in gas and having to rent a small moving van.Eventually it just came down to "something vintage will do!" and when you open your net wider fate will work with you a little more.I spotted a bedroom set in a consignment shop months ago and told myself not to get too excited about them but if they were still there after I saved the $200 needed I'd snag them.Thankfully there were.I didn't inspect them for labels but once they were delivered and I opened a drawer I was pleasantly surprised to learn they were Kent-Coffey pieces!
Since I finally had dressers in place I could put things on the wall!
These paintings are from 1941 and I got them in a flea market in Indiana.I got that aluminum dish with Bakelite handle also in Indiana.The clock is a reproduction of Westclox Big Bean Moon Beam.
I can't even begin to express my happiness at being able to display my vintage jewelry again.Having it on the floor definitely isn't the same.That lamp is a nice $10 score at the thrift store.
Close up of my jewelry,I love this vintage Lucite display I got off ebay over a decade ago now.Always wanted to find another but haven't had any luck.
Some of my Bakelite bangles.
Here is the side table.Unfortunately it doesn't work as a side table in our room since its a bit small for a "master bedroom" but works out well in this little nook.I found out from the neighbor that our 1937 home use to originally be a 2 bedroom with a garage that is now a 4 bedroom with NO garage.There are 3 rooms upstairs and they took the master bedroom and split it which totally makes sense!What was once the garage is now the 4th bedroom my husband uses as an office and the other half is now my office.The fact that we have a king bed doesn't help with the bit of cramped-ness but the thought of downgrading to a queen is something my husband and I both agree is a terrible idea.And I will never complain about it being small as the neighbor told me the original owners had 6 kids in this place!I can't even imagine.
These curtains inspired the color palette in my room,they're called "Happily Married" which I thought was good juju for the bedroom.If you look on ebay you can usually find a lovely little variety of Saison happily married fabrics.I'm not sure how many prints they had but that company definitely had some beautiful ones.
The moon I've had for years and I thought it'd go great with art deco waterfall furniture but I still like it even if I don't have the dark wood.I'm a little weird about mixing woods,I'm definitely too matchy matchy at times but I'm learning to loosen up a bit in this department.Moon and figurine were Indiana flea market,I found some good things when I lived in Indy.
And where dirty clothes go till they get washed,the hamper!There are little tweaks here and there I'm sure will be made as time goes by.Eventually hardwood floors will be put back upstairs too but for now I'm happy that all the rooms upstairs are now properly furnished!