Friday, July 2, 2010

An Error in My Favor...

When I made the move back here to California I perhaps got a little too smug about nothing breaking or getting lost.I had unpacked my Etsy inventory and thought I was good to go.Then I sold a 2 lots of vintage swizzle sticks I had to one of my fabulous twitter followers Carl.He should have been getting 35 swizzle sticks.I searched high and low and could only come up with 34!How did just 1 go missing?!Why!?I felt AWFUL!

I refunded him the shipping cost and sent a little something extra as a "sorry for sucking" apology and kept my fingers crossed that would be ok.Not only did he still leave me positive but he sent ME a gift as a thank you for refunding the shipping!A lovely art deco needle book!I was so touched and adore it so that I just had to share it with you all!




Also a fun find that has nothing to do with the other is this cute vintage glass Listerine jar I thrifted recently!Besides the fact that this color indicates that is the heinous death flavor also that fact that is really old equals display purposes only but display well it does!


  1. how lovely of your etsy buyer! And I love strange vintage bathroom finds!

    We once moved into an old house and found the motherload of 1930s-40s kitchen cleaning type stuff, we donated it to a museum that specialises in that stuff!

  2. The 'Heinous death flavour' made me laugh. My parents used to make me gargle with that stuff as a kid - hideous!! Nice bottle though and great needle book :)

  3. that Listerine bottle is AWESOME!

  4. Hehe, vintage listerine! That's awesome. And what a lovely story, too - it's hearing things like that that remind me there ARE nice people out there.
    -Andi x
