Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lazy Sundays and Hand Me Downs...

Sundays are my lazy days.Normally I catch up with the laundry for the week,sometimes I don't get dressed and lounge around in my pj's all day.Today wasn't one of those days though.I've yet to start a load of laundry and around noon not only were the kids getting a little stir crazy buy so was I.

A brisk walk on this beautiful day was in order so I threw on a house dress,my grandmothers hat and a pair of cute 70's wedges I had thrifted for $2.00,dressed the kids and grabbed a leash and off we went.


About a block away from my dads is a yard filled with beautiful roses.I managed to snap a photo of this one before the person came out and stood there,surely wondering what this strange woman with 2 small children and a boston terrier were doing.

And of course you can't think of southern California without palm trees...its true we have a lot.Its been over a month now since I last saw my husband and I'm missing him tons.Ready to trade in these palm trees for some moose!

I've managed to exhaust the dog who is happily snoring besides me,my daughter is content counting pennies right now and the boy is tossing some blocks around.We're back into lazy mode.I should probably get some laundry started and I'd like to fast forward to tonight already when the kids are asleep and True Blood comes on!


  1. Sunday is always my "church of the soapy suds" day too!


  2. oh, I adore your dress (and what a hat!). That rose is so stunning it's unbelievable!

  3. Yes Mary Sunday is a great laundry day.

    Thank you Baroness!That ladies garden was stunning,all the roses were so rich in color I LOVED it!

  4. Palm trees how I miss seeing palm trees!

  5. Ah yes Sunday's are PJ days :) My favourite day of the week!!
    Lottie x

  6. Whatta nice day! I can't believe you have been away from the hubby for a month, you must miss him like crazy but think of how wonderful it will be when you see him again! I just started watching True Blood, finishing up season 2 right now. Its such a crazy show, me and all my female neighbors are hooked!

  7. oh I know how that can be was away from my hubby for a long time while i was living in california ,but now i got my english visa...oh remember me from myspace?
    pretty rose reminds me of my moms roses would mostly bloom all year in california..i love your outfit and true blood.
